Monthly Meet Ups for Finance Professionals
...So far I have thoroughly enjoyed my monthly Lectures with the WGCA (Worcestershire Group of Chartered Accountants). If you’re a Finance Professional and work or live in Worcestershire this is the perfect opportunity to meet likeminded professionals and learn more about our industry with interesting topics which affect our working practice. So far we have covered The Finance Act, What’s Hot in Tax, Recent Developments in Personal and Employment Taxes and Accounting Updates. As well as the lectures take place in a lovely venue ‘The Hive’ – In Worcester which is great location for anyone working in the city.
It would be lovely to see some new faces at our next batch of Lectures later in the year. Please feel free to join us from 6.30pm-8.30pm, tea and coffee provided. Please follow this Link and keep an eye out for forthcoming dates. https://events.icaew.com/ShoppingCart.aspx?com=detailview&iid=7487&&returncom=productlist&diid=7488#Detail