#Top 5 Tips for Surviving The Christmas Party
Got your Work’s Christmas Party coming up?
It’s the perfect opportunity to relax with your work colleagues and let your hair down, possibly with a drink or two (or three!).
We’re all for having a good time, but let’s be honest, no one’s a fan off embarrassing mishaps, humiliating videos of drunken dancing and awkward eye contact the following Monday. We’re here to help avoid such disasters and keep your professional reputation in tact! Here’s our ‘Christmas Do’ Survival Guide’…
Pace yourself!
A free bar often tempts many to take full advantage- “a free drink? I’ll have seven please”. This is not a good idea! You’re bound to do or say something you’ll regret. Although it’s a time to wind-down, you don’t want to give your colleagues a bad impression! Yes its Christmas, but your actions are still accountable.
Top Tip – don’t overdo it on the freebies!
Stay Hydrated
If you are drinking, ensure you opt for a water or in-between alcoholic beverages to ensure you stay hydrated. A large glass of water before bed will also help reduce (unfortunately, not cure) tomorrow mornings hangover.
Top Tip – have some water in-between beverages!
Keep it professional
Although of course it’s a great opportunity to have fun with your colleagues, remember they are still your colleagues. Do try to keep it professional
Top Tip – Try to steer clear of any workplace gossip!
Make an effort
Although attendance is usually optional, it’s a good idea that you do attend and don’t leave to early. It looks anti-sociable and hugely unappreciative. The Christmas party offer an opportunity to get to know people that you otherwise would not speak to, so make the most of it.
Top Tip – Make an effort to circulate and get to know people
Be gracious
Disappointed by the bar limit? Not supplying your favourite nibble? You often hear people having a little moan at Christmas parties. We recommend you don’t be that person! Remember, your employers have spent time and money organising the do’, possibly causing some additional stress on top of their busy workload. It’s a good idea to send a thank-you email to bosses and those who helped organise the party.
Top Tip – Don’t forget to thank those that paid for and organised your Christmas do