Worcestershire LEP’s first “Cornerstone Employer”
Hewett Recruitment was delighted to be announced as the Worcestershire LEP’s first “Cornerstone Employer”
Ben Mannion, Director of Hewett Recruitment and Chair of WLEP’s Future Skills Board, accepted the certificate on behalf of the business, which recognises Hewett’s longstanding commitment to promoting the skills agenda in the local area, engaging with education and rallying Hewett’s extensive business network to meet the needs of schools, colleges and young people. Ben commented, “It’s a real honour for Hewett to be recognised in this way. Louise has built the business on a foundation of always giving something back, whilst we also acknowledge the importance of the business community supporting and encouraging the development of skills to support the future success of Worcestershire. As Chair of the Future Skills Board, I was involved in securing Career Hub status for Worcestershire, which we see as a real game changer in terms of careers guidance and support across the county”.
Regular, meaningful encounters with employers is an absolutely vital part of preparing and inspiring young people for the world of work. We know that this kind of support means young people are less likely to be not in education, employment or training (NEET) when they leave school.
Becoming a Cornerstone Employer means we are committing to working together with our networks, the wider business community and schools and colleges to make this happen in Worcestershire.
What is a Cornerstone Employer?
A Cornerstone Employer is a business that is invested in the successful and sustainable delivery of careers education for young people and commits to join a leadership group of local businesses to support the schools, colleges and young people in their area. The Cornerstone Employers work together with their networks and the wider business community to ensure all young people have the opportunities they need to be prepared and inspired for the world of work.
Cornerstone Employers may be large or small businesses, at local or national level, but it is important that they are:
experienced in engaging with education and so can lead by example and share their experience with other businesses;
dedicated to investing time and resources to benefit schools, colleges and young people;
committed to working with other Cornerstone Employers in an Opportunity Area or Careers Hub;
willing to galvanise their business networks in the area, to collaboratively meet the needs of schools, colleges and young people; and
focused on sustainability and act as an ambassador and champion for social mobility.
Hewett Recruitment want to encourage other employers to join us and the Worcestershire LEP to get 500 businesses across the county to sign up and pledge their support. If you and your business can spare the time and resources to engage with local schools, we can help to ensure our young people are equipped with the right skills for the future.
If you would like to find out more about how you or your business can get involved in “Creating our Future Workforce” then please get in touch with Ben Mannion on
Read more here: https://www.worcesternews.co.uk/news/17797377.businesses-join-forces-help-students-prepare-world-work/