Create a better Onboarding Process for your Small Business
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Make your onboarding process a priority: How can your SME benefit from a organised and efficient onboarding processes? A three minute read.
‘Hit the Ground Running’
A structured and efficient onboarding program for new employees sets a brilliant first impression; critical to building a successful foundation and employee morale. Introductory procedures allow new starters to truly understand the company culture, values and missions, ensuring they are fully aware of expectations and milestones. Highly engaged introductory training can set the tone for an employee, positively affecting performance, leading to a faster time to productivity.
“Employees who were properly onboarded have a much higher likelihood of staying, which keeps your recruiting costs low and productivity high” - Glassdoor for Employers
Steps your Small business can take to create a better Onboarding Process:
Develop an initial plan
This plan should involve so much more than a tour the workplace, an introduction to whichever staff member you come across and being photographed. While informing of the logistics such as parking, fire exits and bathrooms are an essential step, the on boarding process should ‘show the bigger picture’ and get new employees fully immersed in your company, your values and your missions, to minimise any misunderstanding or uncertainty.
Set agendas for initial onboarding meetings to ensure both parties are prepared and know what to expect. Providing food? Have you asked about food preferences? You should do this in advance to avoid any disappointment and embarrassment. Clarify parking and commuting options to ensure your new team member can arrive with ease.
Cover ‘First Day’ Logistics
Before your new-hire’s first day, provide clarity regarding where to go, whom to speak to and what time to be there. These are things many new employees are unsure about, causing unnecessary nerves. Of course, one of the most important factors, make sure your new team member receives a warm welcome! It’s good practice to have everything ready and in place upon their arrival, have you set up any necessary emails accounts/user names? Ensure you’ve completed a much of this as possible.
Show your new hire to their workstation, offer them a drink and allow them to ‘settle in’, take of their coat and put their lunch away. Please don’t brush of a junk-filled desk and point towards it, this is most definitely not a way to show someone they’re appreciated. Introduce them to team members - it may be a good idea to assign a ‘buddy’ to help them settle in and show them the ropes in an approachable fashion, compared to pages upon pages of notes. Conduct a tour of the building, including exits, bathrooms and cafeteria/lunch area.
Ensure you’ve introduced them to other departments and leadership teams within the first week.
Company Background
Discuss the company history, mission and values with your new hire to reduce any misconceptions. Addressing strategies and key goals will create an inclusive atmosphere, allowing your new employee to feel fully involved with the team, increasing rate of productivity. It’s worth running through all the products and/or services the company provides to confirm exactly what it is you do.
Legal side
Set up a meeting with HR to provide an opportunity to complete all necessary paperwork alongside a chance for questions regarding policies and other general queries. This would be a great time to cover perks, sick days, holiday’s protocol etc.
Meet Key Touch points
Ensure you regularly ‘check in’ with your new-hire to both give and received feedback and updates regarding their experience within your company. A good guideline is to do this after their first day, first week and then 30, 60 and 90 days in.