WCG's Train 4 Success Project
WCG, Worcestershire College Group, are now offering FREE training for Worcestershire based businesses, through the 'Train 4 Success' project
Train 4 Success is a project funded by European Social Fund (ESF) and match funded by Warwickshire and Worcestershire College Group (WCG). The initiative supplies accredited and non-accredited training to employees aged 50 years and over in small and medium sized Worcestershire based businesses, with the aim of upskilling and re-training staff to aid personal development and benefit local businesses.
Training course are available in a variety of subject areas including:
- risk assessment workshops,
- social media for business training,
- IT & computing,
- first-aid
- management and supervisory skills and
Alongside many other subjects, providing mainstream or bespoke training tailored to meet the needs of the employee and business. Get in touch with the team and let them know what your business requires- they'll find a course perfectly fitting your business requirements.
WCG have a completely FREE FAA Accredited First Aid at Work course available to book now. HSE recommends businesses have at least one appointed recognised first aider, regardless of size and/or industry. The average cost for an accredited First Aid at Work course is around £300.
The course is running over 3 days: 30th April, 7th May, 14th May at Evesham College. Contact the team to book.
Is my business legible?
If your company is based in Worcestershire and you have employees who are 50+ years of age, then you are eligible.
To find out more information or register your interest, please contact the WCG 'Train for Success' team on train4success@wcg.ac.uk or call 01386 551191.