Colourful quiz a huge success
Over 100 quiz contenders descended on Gainsborough House Hotel last night for Vision Labs, IGS & Lens Online's 5th Annual Quiz Night, supported by Hewett Recruitment. The 27th June was National Sunglasses Day and the theme of the event tied into Sight Concern’s ‘Go Bright for Sight’ day, with guests being encouraged to wear something bright and colourful.
The night’s entertainment also included a curry buffet and a raffle. Money raised from the evening will be donated to Worcestershire Young Carers, Sight Concern and Breast Cancer Awareness.
Jon Cawdron, Senior Co-ordinator, Worcestershire Young Carers, said: “We are thrilled to be one of the charities to benefit from this event and are so grateful to Hewett Recruitment and Vision Labs for their support. It was a brilliant night, and the fact that we didn’t come last in the quiz was an added bonus!”
Worcestershire Young Carers provides a range of support for young carers aged seven to 17 as well as for young adult carers aged 18 to 25; this includes assessment, signposting, one to one support, monthly clubs and activities. The service has been delivered by YSS since 2003 and currently supports over 500 young carers throughout the county.
For further information about Worcestershire Young Carers please see https://www.yss.org.uk/worcestershire-young-carers
YSS's Jonathan and Vision Labs Gemma
Quiz Participants
Quiz Winners - 'Mr Brownes Boys'