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Applying For Job Roles via Facebook

Hewett Recruitment regularly publish job postings on our Facebook page, allowing individuals to apply directly through the social media platform.

This blog will guide you through the process of finding jobs and how to best apply for roles, providing the best possible advantage on your new career path.

Where can I find jobs on Facebook?

Hewett Recruitment jobpostings can be found in the following places:


How do I apply?

If you see a job you like the look of, you can click the “apply now” button. This will lead to a pre-populated page with your name and any education or employment history that you’ve made public on your profile; you can then either send the information as it is or make some alterations before submitting. While there’s no place to submit a CV, there is a 1,000-character text box which allows for a cover letter-style note.


Do's and Don'ts when applying for jobs via Facebook:

If your profile and specific details are set to private, ensure you leave an adequate amount of information so your application best reflects you and your previous experience.

If you’ve set your Facebook education history to include the likes of ‘University of Life’ or previous job role as ‘Full Time Legend', while it may make your friends and family giggle, it doesn’t look very professional on a job application, so just be aware of this before you send it!

Additionally, setting your home town to your dream holiday resort means employers may automatically disregard your application under the assumption you aren’t within a viable commuting distance. Also, the jobs recommended to you will be surrounding the exotic location rather than your actually home town- unless you have the spare cash to fly to Jamaica and back every morning, I recommend you remove this!

Following this, it’s worth checking your privacy setting or deleting any content you wouldn’t want an employer to see. We’ve offer more advice on this here.


I don’t have a Facebook but my friend told be about a job on your page, how do I apply?

We understand not everyone uses social media, therefore all our jobs are posted onto our website, updated daily. If you don’t have Facebook you can apply online, give us a call or simply pop into your nearest Hewett Recruitment office. This is also the best option for those who want to keep their humorous ‘about me’ section, while beeing taken seriously for a job role.

Likewise, if you don't have frequent access to the internet, you can call or visit our offices, we're open 8.30 - 17.00!

For more information, please don't hesitate to get in touch on 01562 69090 or give us a visit.